D-Link Router How-to

Nowenterthedefaultusernameandpasswordofyourrouterandyouwillbegrantedaccesstoitsadminpanel.Ifyoudonothappentoknowwhattheusernameand ...,2023年9月12日—TheDIR-605Ldoesn'thaveadefaultpassword(don'ttypeanything).Thedefaultusernameisadmin.ThedefaultIPa...。參考影片的文章的如下:


D-Link - DIR

Now enter the default username and password of your router and you will be granted access to its admin panel. If you do not happen to know what the username and ...

D-Link DIR

2023年9月12日 — The DIR-605L doesn't have a default password (don't type anything). The default username is admin. The default IP address is


您也可以勾選「自動產生無線密碼」,路由器會產生一組亂數的密碼給您。 確認資料無誤後按「下一步」的按鈕,再參考第13頁的說明。。

Dlink DIR

And no need to get your breathing rates high in case you have changed the username / password of Dlink DIR-605L and forgot them, as you can just reset the Dlink ...

How to Reset the Dlink DIR-605L

2021年11月17日 — With the router on press and hold the reset button for about 10 seconds. This begins the reset process. Make sure you hold the reset button down ...

I have forgotten my wireless password, how do I recover it?

The default username is Admin. Enter your administrator password. If you have not changed the default password, leave this field blank. Click Login. picture


目錄. 一、DIR-605L面板燈號及背版說明.


Nowenterthedefaultusernameandpasswordofyourrouterandyouwillbegrantedaccesstoitsadminpanel.Ifyoudonothappentoknowwhattheusernameand ...,2023年9月12日—TheDIR-605Ldoesn'thaveadefaultpassword(don'ttypeanything).Thedefaultusernameisadmin.ThedefaultIPaddressis192.168.0.1.,您也可以勾選「自動產生無線密碼」,路由器會產生一組亂數的密碼給您。確認資料無誤後按「下一步」的按鈕,再參考第13頁的說明。。,Andnon...
